Elusive 8th Birthday Homebrew Competition 2024


We’re celebrating our 8th Birthday this month (May) and, as a brewery that started with homebrewing, we’re marking the occasion appropriately with a competition for homebrewers! 

That’s right, homebrewers, you could win the chance to come and brew with us and much, much more!

We’re delighted to be teaming up with our friends at The Malt Miller again to make registration and sending in your beers super-easy and including ingredients and our birthday beer to try with your entry! You can enter by purchasing an entry, which includes Pacific Sunrise T90 hop pellets (which you can choose to use in your entry or for another brew) and one of our two birthday beers at random - One Trick Pony, a 6% West Coast IPA or Two Trick Pony, a 6% New England IPA.

This year will be our fourth homebrew competition, which in previous years has seen previous winners go on to set up their own breweries. It’s been great to be part  of their journeys. 

  • 5th birthday winners

    • Middle Child Brewing - Sam Jones and brewing partner Fraser Withers

  • 6th birthday winners

    • Snowmoon - Joon Chung and business partner Oli Edmonds

  • 7th birthday winners

    • Duality Brew Co - Ben Pearson and Brendan Hampsey  

Might it be you this year? 

So, what are we looking for in the winning beer?

We’d like you to brew your best dark beer below 6% ABV.

Dark Beer!? Yes, that's right, dark beers in summer. Dark beers could include everything from dark milds and black IPAs to dark lagers and export stouts and everything in between - as long as it’s dark in colour and below 6%.

Commercial viability. We’d like you to submit the recipe with your beer and price to brew, scaled to 20L at 75% efficiency. We’ll use these when judging the final round to help us choose the winner. Choose and use your ingredients judiciously and get the most bang for your buck.

Think like a pro. We want you to brew a beer that’s accessible and would sell well. Have a look at ours or your favourite brewery’s core line up for inspiration. What do you think they sell the most of and why is that? You’ll probably be aiming for something 3.5-5.5% ABV. A word from the wise as a Pro you'd need to pay duty, then make a margin yourself and provide a margin to resellers too so price is very key when designing a recipe.

Is that something you’re up for? Great!

2024 Homebrewing Competition timings:

  • Wednesday 29th May at 11am - the 100 competition kits will go on sale (see link below). 

  • Wednesday 7th August - deadline for entries to have arrived at The Malt Miller

    • We would suggest you can start to build your basket with your ingredients for your brew prior to this so all you then need to do is add your entry kit and pay one lot of shipping.

  • Friday 16th August - judging of entries and winner announcement 

    • As in previous years we will be collating feedback and issuing this to all entrants after the judging is completed.

2024 Homebrewing Competition prize:

Moving onto this year’s competition, the prize once again is a winner takes all affair - and if the standard is as high as previous years you’ll need to be at the top of your game to take the win! Here’s what we can offer:

  • £500 prize money from Elusive plus a voucher from our competition partners The Malt Miller

  • Work with us to design and brew a collaborative beer which we’ll release via our usual channels in cask, keg and can (this doesn’t have to be the winning beer)

  • Either your name or, if you’re planning to launch a professional operation, brewery logo will be incorporated into the branding of the collaboration beer

  • We’ll help arrange a launch event at a venue near you, so you and your friends & family can come down and celebrate with you!

  • If you are looking to turn pro, we’ll be here to help support and guide you.

Fancy winning that prize? Then you’d best read these rules carefully!

  • Strictly one entry per person. Anyone found to have entered twice will be disqualified completely.

  • Your beer (3 x bottles or cans, 330ml or bigger) must reach The Malt Miller (address below) on or before 7th August. Late entries will not be accepted. Clear bottles will not be accepted. Panda Pop bottles will not be tasted. ADDRESS: The Malt Miller, Unit A2 Faraday Road, Swindon, SN3 5HQ

  • The beer must have been brewed fresh between your entry being secured and the delivery deadline. We’ve allowed three months for this. Aged beers will not be accepted.

  • Ensure that each of the packaged beers are clearly labeled with Entry Number and no other distinguishable markings on the bottles. We have a Download template you can use to make this easier.

  • The winner will be announced after judging has taken place on the 16th of August and the judge’s decision is final in all matters.

  • UK based entrants only. All entrants must be over 18.



Entries will be limited to a total of 100 and remember, it’s strictly one entry per person. 

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